Should I Podcast?
A Conversation With Myself About Expanding My Writing
November 2024
I still believe in blogging and think it's important to keep this going (maybe my secret blog, too?).
But I can't shake the feeling that I'm just farting into the abyss, sending big piles of words into a world where 1 out of 5 adults can't read or write AT ALL. And of the ones that are literate, the vast majority can't read beyond 5th or 6th grade level. So writing big essays for people who can't read a big boy book is a waste of time.
Is podcasting the solution?
I should have a topic. It should be more than reading this blog out loud.
I never wanted to do a politics or current events podcast - guys who look like me have had enough to say on such matters. It's other people's turn to speak.
Climate change is a single issue vote for me, and the war on climate change is over - and we lost. Besides, I have no degree in climatology and basically a sophomore level education in science in general. Let actual scientists speak.
Music or movies is something I've talked about extensively. It would be a challenge to motivate myself to find more to talk about in the cultural realm, but the challenge is the point at this point.
So where to now?
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